Exercício: expressões idiomáticas com cores
- Categorias
- Exercícios de Inglês
What’s up, guys? Na semana passada praticamos algumas expressões idiomáticas sobre animais. Hoje vamos ver mais expressões, porém sobre cores.
Let’s see who can do it: combine as expressões idiomáticas com suas equivalências.
1. Her hair is as black as night.
2. My sister turned white as a ghost when she saw the man at the window.
3. I received my pink slip last week and I am now looking for a new job.
4. The woman was caught red-handed when she tried to steal some cosmetics.
5. When he lost his temper at the party, he showed himself in his true colors.
6. The man next door seems to be blue.
7. I wish that my friend would use his gray matter more effectively when he is making his crazy plans.
8. The city gave us the green light to begin the new project.
9. I’m browned off with this place. There is nothing to do here.
10. I passed up a golden opportunity to make a business deal with that big company.
a) deu carta branca
b) parece estar triste
c) carta de demissão
d) mostrou quem ele é de verdade
e) negro como a noite
f) foi pega com a boca na botija
g) cérebro
h) perdi uma oportunidade de ouro
i) ficou branca de susto
j) estou de saco cheio
Answer key:
1.e 2.i 3.c 4.f 5.d 6.b 7.g 8.a 9.j 10.h
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