Depoimento Aluno inFlux BH
It’s incredible ! I’ve just completed my English course.
For years I’ve been studying hard in order to achieve my expectation: completing my English course. This was my purpose, and I finally got it. It is impossible to express how I feel.
For years I constantly studied this language that is a priority to everybody. Whoever speaks and writes in English can travel all around the world and will have no difficulties in communicating with others.
This language opens doors to all of us. When I started this course I thought it was impossible to finish it. As time passed by I wondered. if many people could finish it, so could I.
And so, this is what happened: today I received my certificate.
Some time ago I considered it as an impossible mission. However, with great effort and great willpower I’ve finished my course. I’ve finished it and I’m very satisfied.
Today I can express myself in English and everybody understands me. I’m very happy with INFLUX course, it helped me to accomplish my goals.
I thank all the teachers very much. All of them were very kind and patient with me. I thank every INFLUX employees, too. They were always very dedicated and all of them were very efficient.
For everything, my deepest thanks without any exception.
By Claudionor José – august 2010