Podcast: Errors native speakers make we should learn V!
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Hello, guys!
Welcome to the last Podcast of the series: Errors native speakers make that we should learn. Let’s have a quick review of what we’ve learned so far, then!
First thing we came down to is that: many of us, learners of English as a second language, don’t speak as much as we should because we’re afraid of making mistakes. However, native English speakers also make mistakes when they speak and that doesn’t keep them from communicating! We also figure out that it’s normal, it’s ok, not to speak the same way we write, we don’t do it in Portuguese neither in English, so miswriting some words is common too!
The cases we’ve seen prove our point here! Some combinations with the word have, as would have, should have, could have and might have are said and written by many native English speakers in a way that might be considered grammatically wrong. Remember that you will sometimes see would have written and said as woulda, would’ve or even would of (with OF), should have as shoulda, should’ve or even should of (with OF) and so forth.
Today we’re gonna see that the same thing happens with the words must have. They are often written in a contraction form, which is must’ve and some people tend to write must of (with OF) because that’s how it sounds! And it’s also common to say musta!
So, it’s time to learn how to use this combination! In Portuguese, the equivalence to must have is very much used as devo ter, deve ter, deveríamos ter, devem ter. Listen up:
Someone must’ve found it. Alguém deve ter encontrado!
He must’ve gone. Ele deve ter partido.
You must’ve heard about it. Você deve ter ouvido falar a respeito.
The books must’ve fallen off the shelf. Os livros devem ter caído da prateleira.
I must’ve forgotten! Eu devo ter esquecido.
There must’ve been some misunderstanding here. Deve ter havido algum mal entendido aqui.
He must’ve had to leave. Ele deve ter tido que sair.
She must’ve had to work hard to accomplish that. Ela deve ter tido que trabalhar muito para conseguir aquilo.
You must’ve been really upset. Você deve ter ficado muito chateado!
Something else you must learn today: there are some sentences using must have that are easy to remember and we can create many others based on them!
It must’ve cost a fortune! Deve ter custado uma fortuna!
an arm and a leg! Deve ter custado os olhos da cara!
a lot of money! Deve ter custado muito dinheiro!
It must’ve been love ! Deve ter sido amor!
good ! Deve ter sido bom!
my imagination ! Deve ter sido minha imaginação!
my fault! Deve ter sido minha culpa!
great! Deve ter sido ótimo!
awful! Deve ter sido péssimo!
That must’ve been good! Deve ter sido bom!
terrible! Deve ter sido terrível!
fun! Deve ter sido divertido!
interesting! Deve ter sido interessante!
Now it’s your turn to create some examples! Post a comment and keep on learning with us!
Thank you guys for listening!