Exercício: O que significa “even though”?

Ontem, aqui no inFlux Blog, tivemos um post que ensinava a usar o even though. Acesse a dica no link abaixo:

O que significa “even though”?

Hoje, a ideia é praticar! Façam o exercício abaixo e depois, para complementar, podem até criar algumas frases extras.

Let’s begin!


 Match the beginnings of the sentences below with the best endings:

1 – She doesn’t want to pay for that…

2 – Even though it was raining,…

3 – Even though she is in shape,…

4 – My mother won’t let me travel with my friends…

5 – I couldn’t find your house…

6 – He didn’t win the competition…

7 – Even though I studied a lot for the test,…

8 – Even though my boyfriend and I have been together for years,…


A – I wanted to go to the club.

B –  even though she has a lot of money.

C – even though I had your address.

D –  she said she needs to lose weight.

E – we aren’t planning to get married soon.

F – even though I can pay for the trip myself.

G – even though he played well.

H – I didn’t pass.


Check your answers below!




1 – B; 2 – A; 3 – D; 4 – F; 5 – C; 6 – G; 7 – H; 8 – E.


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