Exercício: Praticando o “third conditional”

Tivemos essa semana um post que explicava o “third conditional” ou “third if clause”. Caso você não tenha lido ainda, acesse aqui. O “third conditional” é muito usado quando queremos falar sobre arrependimentos, por isso no exercício de hoje vamos trabalhar com situações em que alguém poderia se arrepender.

A atividade vai ser assim: vou apresentar uma lista de situações e logo abaixo algumas consequências para que vocês as relacionem. Tentem pensar em consequências que provavelmente aconteceriam.

Prontos para começar?


First Part

1 – If I hadn’t lost my cell phone

2 – If I had recognized you

3 – If I hadn’t bought a motorcycle

4 – If he had gone to bed earlier

5 – If he had listened to my advice

6 – If you had told me about the dinner

7 – If Samantha hadn’t lost her job

8 – If we had missed the bus


Second Part

A – he could have slept more

B – I would have called you

C – we could have taken a taxi

D – I would have bought that car

E – she would have moved to a bigger house

F – he wouldn’t have made a mistake

G – I would have said hello

H – I could have cooked something special


Let’s check the answers, now!






If I had recognized you, I would have said hello.

If I hadn’t bought a motorcycle, I would have bought that car.

If I hadn’t lost my cell phone, I would have called you.

If he had gone to bed earlier, he could have slept more.

If he had listened to my advice, he wouldn’t have made a mistake.

If you had told me about the dinner, I could have cooked something special.

If Samantha hadn’t lost her job, she would have moved to a bigger house.

If we had missed the bus, we could have taken a taxi.


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